Clinical Neuropsychology Research Group (EKN)

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Münchner Verständlichkeitsprofil (MVP)

mvpThe dysarthrias are disorders of the respiratory, laryngeal, and articulatory movements during speaking, as a result of brain damage. They constitute the most frequent type of neurogenic communication disorders, with a prevalence of more than 300,000 dysarthric patients in Germany. Many dysarthric patients have a reduced intelligibility, which may cause severe restrictions in everyday communication and social participation.

The measurement of a patient’s intelligibility is therefore an essential part of clinical assessment. Intelligibility scores must be a starting point of any therapeutic intervention and a benchmark for therapeutic effectiveness or disease progression.

The Munich Intelligibility Profile (MVP-Online) offers speech language therapists online access to a reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of a patient’s intelligibility. It provides an individual intelligibility profile containing information about important factors influencing loss of intelligible speech.

MVP-Online is supported by ReHa-Hilfe e.V.



  • Ziegler, W., & Hartmann, E. (1993). Das Münchner Verständlichkeits-Profil (MVP): Untersuchungen zur Reliabilität und Validität. Der Nervenarzt, 64, 653-658.
  • Ziegler, W., & Zierdt, A. (2008). Clinical assessment of intelligibility in dysarthria: A pilot-investigation of MVP-online. Journal of Communication Disorders, 41, 553-577.