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Bogenhausener Dysarthrieskalen (BoDyS)

titelbodysThe Bogenhausen Dysarthria Scales (BoDyS) are a clinical tool for the assessment of dysarthria, especially of the severity and profile of dysarthric impairment.

A major theoretical principle underlying the BoDyS is that dysarthria is an impairment of the respiratory, laryngeal, and articulatory movements for speech. Hence, dysarthria assessment must be based on speech rather than on nonspeech or speech-like tasks.

Administration of the BoDyS involves speech tasks in four different modalities, i.e., conversation, sentence repetition, text reading, and narration of a picture story, with three parallel versions of each task type. The recorded speech samples are rated by trained experts on nine different scales, resulting in a profile of respiratory, phonatory, articulatory, and prosodic aspects of a patient’s speech impairment.

BoDyS is available from Hogrefe Publishing Group.

Education and training courses for the administration of the BoDyS are offered on a regular basis. If you are interested, contact us:,


Ziegler, W., Schölderle, T., Vogel, M., Staiger, A. (2018). Konzepte Der Dysarthriediagnostik Und Die Bogenhausener Dysarthrieskalen. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2, 143-154.

Ziegler, W., Staiger, A., Schölderle, T., Vogel, M. (2017). Gauging the Dimensions of Dysarthric Impairment: Reliability and Construct Validity of the Bogenhausen Dysarthria Scales (BoDyS). Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 60, 1516-1534.

Ziegler, W., Schölderle, T., Staiger, A., & Vogel, M. (2015). Die Bogenhausener Dysarthrieskalen (BoDyS): Ein standardisierter Test für die Dysarthriediagnostik bei Erwachsenen. Sprache, Stimme, Gehör, 39, 171-175.