Loss of semantic processing abilities after brain damage - standardization of an assessment tool
Contakt: k.hogrefe@ekn-muenchen.de
Disorders in semantic processing have a massive impact on quality of life as they may cause difficulties in naming and problems in the identification of certain properties of objects. Despite these challenging consequences for everyday life there is a lack of standardized assessment tools in the German speaking countries. There is a strong need for an assessment tool that measures semantic processing skills independent of verbal-expressive or –receptive disorders to enable a tailored treatment.
The main aim of the current project is to fill this gap. We develop an assessment tool for nonverbal semantic processing skills incorporating semantic sorting tasks, a drawing task, and a pantomime task. The test will be standardized for healthy persons as well as for persons with brain damage. The assessment tool builds upon existing and already broadly applied tests. Normative data for 194 healthy persons (stratified for age, education, and sex) is available. We will collect data from three patient groups: persons with severe aphasia after stroke, persons with Alzheimer’s dementia, and persons with frontotemporal dementia.
Hogrefe, K., Glindemann, R., Ziegler, W. & Goldenberg, G. (2022). Nonverbaler Semantiktest (NVST). Göttingen: Hogrefe
Hogrefe, K., Ziegler, W., Glindemann, R. & Goldenberg, G. (2021). Der Nonverbale Semantiktest (NVST) - Ein Verfahren zur nonverbalen Erfassung semantischer Verarbeitungsleistungen. forum:logopädie, 35(5), 24-25.
Hogrefe, K., Goldenberg, G., Glindemann, R., Klonowski, M. & Ziegler, W. (2021). Nonverbal Semantics Test (NVST) – A novel diagnostic tool to assess semantic processing deficits: Application to persons with aphasia after cerebrovascular accident. Brain Sciences 11(3), 359. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11030359. Special Issue: New Perspectives and Methodologies in the Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Aphasia.
Hogrefe, K., Ziegler, W., Glindemann, G., Klonowski, M., Wagner-Sonntag, E., Klingenberg, G., Diehl-Schmid, J., Roßmeier, C., Danek, A., Levin, J., Prix, C., Loosli, S., Wlasich, E., & Goldenberg, G. (2019). Application of the Nonverbal Semantics Test (NVST) to persons with aphasia after stroke and persons with dementia. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, Vol. 24, Supplement, 132-135. https://doi.org/10.21827/5d8b76574cc25
Hogrefe, K., Goldenberg, G. & Ziegler, W. (2020). Nonverbal Assessment of Semantic Processing Capacities in Persons with Aphasia after Stroke: Application of the Nonverbal Semantics Test (NVST). Posterpräsentation, 58th annual meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Philadelphia, USA, Oktober 2020
Hogrefe, K., Glindemann, R., Goldenberg, G. & Ziegler, W. (2020). Nonverbale Überprüfung semantischer Verarbeitungsleistungen bei Personen mit Hirnschädigung: Anwendung des Nonverbalen Semantiktests (NVST). 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie e.V., Online-Tagung, September 2020
Hogrefe, K., Ziegler, W., Glindemann, G., Klonowski, M., Wagner-Sonntag, E., Klingenberg, G., Diehl-Schmid, J., Roßmeier, C., Danek, A., Levin, J., Prix, C., Loosli, S., Wlasich, E., & Goldenberg, G. (2019). Application of the Nonverbal Semantics Test (NVST) to persons with aphasia after stroke and persons with dementia. Oral presentation at the international conference Science of Aphasia, Rome, Italy, September 2019
This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research - BMBF
Förderkennzeichen 01UL1822X